Wild Woodland animal postcards with white envelopes - The Postcard StoreWild Woodland animal postcards with white envelopes - The Postcard Store

20 Wild Woodland with White Envelopes


All our postcards are available with either a mix of 10 different coloured envelopes or plain white ones, please chose which option you would prefer below.

Please remember all orders over £10 receive free P&P.

Plus spend over £20, add the coupon code PCS20 to the checkout page and we will add another 10% discount to your order.



Two cards (20 pack) of ten different designs with matching bright coloured, gummed envelopes.

Red Squirrel

Taken by the multi-award winning wildlife photographer Julian Rad, this funny red squirrel bends down to admire his reflection in the water. This is one of Julian’s best animal photos and we just love it.

Ground Squirrel

If you’re looking for funny and cute in your animal photos then these ground squirrels are your boys. This amazing picture of two ground squirrels working as a team to catch their blackberries is by the very talented wildlife photographer Julian Rad. We are very proud to feature the work of such an original and multi-award winning artist.


These are the most delicate blue butterflies drinking nectar from a spray of flowers. It’s a wonderful example of nature photography at its best.


There’s something so magical about whitetail deer fawns with their soft white spots and we love this photo of three baby deer in their natural woodland habitat.


Diving kingfisher birds are a rare sight but we’ve got a beauty for you here. Hunting and diving birds are so dramatic but when they are as richly coloured and cute as this one it’s a truly majestic image.

Barn owl

A white-faced barn owl sits on a mossy tree stump in a haze of purple and pink spring flowers. These amazing nocturnal birds are hard to capture in a wildlife photo because they are usually asleep during the day so we love the rich colours of the tawny feathers and dusky heather.

Great tits

We’re so lucky to have these beautiful birds in our garden and to snap them sitting on fairytale spotted toadstools makes this wildlife photo all the more enchanting.


We do love our squirrels here at the Postcard Store – this is the fourth one we’ve featured. We adored the watercolour quality of this original photograph with its delicate poppies and forget-me-nots. And she looks so cute with her paws around her face that she just had to be in the collection.

Baby fox

Look at this baby – fast asleep and curled into a small ball. Red foxes are usually photographed when they’re on the prowl and it’s hard to get a good shot of one sleeping. Fox cubs are adorable and there’s nothing cuter than a snoozing one.

Field mouse

Nature provides us with lots of fine comedy moments and this is one! A field mouse is completely stuck between two moving ears of corn and you can see the look of indecision on his poor face.