It’s another long bank holiday, and I have to say I’m very happy about it.
All the newspapers seem to be going Coronation mad and I’ll be watching the telly too. As much as I like a good show I don’t think I’d have travelled down to London even if the weather forecast had suggested sun all day, the telly will do me fine.
And if you would like to win coronation goodies, then there still lots competitions open and Simply Prizes has made its list free for everyone to view. I’m sorry I should have remembered to share this with you last week when there were loads and loads of competitions to enter, but still click here and see what you could win.
We also should have our own Coronation celebration, by doubling the number is winners in this week’s competition. We have 30 packs to give away! 10 from the email entries, just send your name and address to info@oxonpress.co.uk with ‘Cats are connoisseurs of comfort’ in the subject line. There’s another 5 for Facebook entries, just post the same comment and a final 5 for Twitter users, please just retweet the competition post. There’s no need to share the competition to enter but please do invite anyone you know to enter as well.
As you might have guessed this week we are giving away packs of out ‘three kittens’ postcard, each pack has 10 of this beautiful card. It’s one of the favourites from the Visions range and comes from a painting by Reme Junior.
In case you are wondering about the kitten connect on a weekend full of pomp and ceremony, yesterday was my youngest cat’s birthday, she’s one and sadly no longer a kitten any more. But it also allows me to tell you the best cat quote ever, it was by Terry Pratchett – “In ancient times, cats were worshiped as gods; they have not forgotten this”.
Please get your entries in before 9:00am on Tuesday 9th and enjoy the weekend.